Welcome to New Hope School
Technical Occupation Phase
Up to now, basic education has had two streams: the academic/technical, leading to the National Senior Certificate and technical vocational leading to a qualification at the same level within the National Qualifications Framework: either the N3 Certificate or the National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4. Both streams are built on a common school programme of general education up to the end of Grade 9, after which learners can either stay in schools or transfer to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, progressing through the N1/NC(V) Level 2 and the N2/NC(V) level 3 to N3/NC(V) Level 4 and even beyond to the N6 level.
Now, the Department is proposing a third stream: the technical occupational stream, which will offer skills and vocational programmes. Skills and vocational training programmes are intended to impart language, functional mathematics and life skills as well as to offer 22 vocational specialisations.
New Hope School currently presents the following subjects:
- Afrikaans
- English
- Mathematics
- Life Skills
- Woodworking and Timber
- Sheet metal work
- Arts & Crafts
- Consumer Studies Sewing