Welcome To New Hope School

Senior Phase

The Senior Phase ranges from Grade 7 to Grade 9. At New Hope School, Grade 7 learners are accommodated in the Intersen Phase (Primary School) and Grade 8 and 9 learners in the High School.
The Senior Phase learners must choose subjects, career direction and possible work options after Grade 9 (the last compulsory year of schooling).
This means that learners will have to make very important decisions that will not only impact their subject choices for Grades 10 to 12, but also their career path after school.
Learners are encouraged to explore and express their individuality within acceptable boundaries and take responsibility for their actions. We take care of the social, emotional, mental and physical well-being of learners. We guide them through their development into the best they can become.
We follow the mainstream CAPS curriculum and apply for additional support (Accommodations) from the Department of Education. Smaller classes and well qualified educators ensure individual attention and support in the Senior Phase.

Nine (9) Subjects:

  • Afrikaans Home Language and Afrikaans First Additional Language
  • English Home Language and English First Additional Language
  • Mathematics
  • Life Orientation
  • Social Science (History & Geography)
  • Natural Sciences
  • Technology
  • Creative Arts
  • Economic and Management Sciences